♤♡Not Your GrandFather♤♤

Ben was eyeing everything in the palace with a amazed look… He is so happy after coming here, After seeing his Dad's Huge Royal palace. Ben is so excited that He left Emily behind and start strolling every room on his own… While Wandering here and there he came in front of room which was not clean or untouched for many years.

He push the door and went inside... the inside senario amazed him. There was a big potrait of a king like man sitting on a throne. Ben is looking each and every detail of that hanging photo. At that time Emily came inside behind him… She Pick ben up in her arm.

"How many Time I have told you not to leave my hand… You will get lost"

"MOOMM Listen"


"Who is he" *pointing at potrait*

Emily shift her gaze from ben to that potrait. Her eyes widened… The night of 4 year ago start flashing in front of her eyes. She smiled and went near that potrait.

"This Man is your GrandFather…"


"Ye… *Emily was going to say something but…*