
Aftet taking walk with Jack, Charlie went straight to his room. He slowly opened he door and went inside.

Charlie saw that Angela is lying on the bed, She curled herself like a ball.

Angela knew that Charlie came inside the room but she didn't move nor look at him. Charlie slowly went up near Bed and Hug Angela from behind.

Charlie's Heartbeat is beating so fast because of nervousness that even Angela can feel it. There was a total silence between them for some minute no one is talking to each other... Atlast Angela spoke.

"You were seeing Big Bella in that Kid right… I know you alway have some soft spot for her in your heart and when she gave up on her life just for you that soft spot grew bigger. You were started to feel guilty… Charlie do you regret for not loving elder Bella, Di…

"Shhh… Don't say anything like that. I love you… I Love you… I ONLY LOVE YOU My Princess"

*sigh* "I know"