●Axel's Spring Days●

After hearing Bella's voice Angela quickly sat up… She look toward door and saw no one and then quickly went to bella and pick her up in her arm. But her eyes widened when she feel that Bella's body is burning up. She quickly started to call her Dad...

"Dadd… DAD… Come here quickly"

But instead of Jin Bella's Aunt came inside... seeing her, Angela's grip on Bella became tight. And She is letting out a low growl while glaring at her.

"Don't glar at her she will not take our Bella"

Charlie said while coming inside from door followed by other Axel, Jack and Jin. Angela become a bit confused after hearing 'our Bella'.

Angela: Ou…Our Bella

Bella's Aunt: Yes your Bella… After taking her with me. She didn't stop crying even for a minute and because of that her body started to burning up.

Axel: So You brought her to Angela because of her health...

Bella's Aunt: No I have brought her here because She accepted this Family. She belong from here and I know she will be happy and safe.