Finally Death2

Emily's power is at her peak, it look like she will explode anytime soon… Negativity around her started to vanish, Even the Vampire who are connected through a Kellan's Demonic power started to disappear into a thin air.


When Kellan said that 'YOU WILL COME WITH ME' to Angela, Her grip around Kellan's heart become loose, Because it was so sudden and Angela can't procceed what he just Said. She was going to retreat her hand but Kellan Smirk and grasp Angela's hand tightely. While releasing some of his noxious Energy into her.

Charlie run toward her and was going to hold Angela by her waist but on the same time Emily's Power Explode, Extream Bright light started to spark around the Whole World, its is so bright that they all have to close their eyes for a mili-second.