**Unstable Health**

Kellan is dead. New day started but with the same Sun, still its Shine brought a new hope for everyone. Finally Every Werewolf and Vampire can go anywhere without feeling the fear of being abucted and When they all felt the disapperance of Negativity from their World, They all started to come out from the protection barrier.

And soon everyone started to cheer up for Alpha King and Vampire Lord's longivity and gave them there good blessing.

But the Whole Royal Family is in chaos, because after Emily cleanease the Werewolf and Underworld with her innermost Energy. She immediately become unconsious, no matter how hard Jack tried but she didn't woke up.

Atlast when Jin check on her, He become shocked, because her pulse is not stable at all and even her heart rate is dropping continously. Jack frow his eyebrow when he saw Jin is all pale after checking on Emily.

"Jin What happen? Quickly make my Luna wake up"

"Alpha we have to take her to human world. I can't do anything here"