Reunion With Dad

Jack squat down outside of the Operating Room while leaning aganist the Wall. Though Alphas are very strong, Everbody think No one can break them, but they too have a soft spot for there Familes, For there Loved once. They too feel Sad and Heartbreak when they see there Loved one in pain.

And Here Jack is experiencing same Heart break when he see his Luna in Pain. Jack is shivering continously and as time pass his anxiety is increasing. We can say that He was so tense and Scared that he didn't even notice clearly the Aura Of his Daughter.

But thats not possible, He definately felt some strong and Unknow aura around him but Jack is continously ignoring that because his all focus is on His Mate now and He already ordered his Men to start Finding his Little Princess and Blaze, here in Human World.