|| sadness

✺ Clarissa ✺

I strolled upstairs; I could hear someone yelling in phone. Anger, frustration and agony dripped from the tone of the voice.

Oh wait I know this voice. It is Hardin’s voice. For some odd reason I felt pang in my chest when I registered it was Hardins' voice.

It was coming from other side of the door. I slowly shoved the door open, it was entrance to terrace. The cold breeze brushed against my skin making me shiver a little. Huffing out air, I held the soft drink tightly in my arm and moved forward.

What is he doing here alone? Is he okay? Why did I hear a tint of agony in his voice?

I walked in his direction. 

He didn't see me because he was too much into phone. He looked irritated, sad and most importantly broken. This was rare, I am used to seeing the charming Hardin around me.

'I will manage, you don't worry ' he replied on phone. I don't know if he was trying to convince the person on phone or himself.

What will he manage? 

He was running finger in his hair. Frustrated isn't he? His eyes darted to sky while his jaws clenched tightly.

"Hardin" without thinking once I called him. 

He turned back to face me, A gasp escaped from my lips the moment I saw him. 

His eyes red and carried a look of sadness, did he cry? His hair messy, he looked defeated. He looks like a warrior who is almost at the verge of losing a match.

Keeping all his pain aside he smiled at me, not the signature smile of Hardin but smile of broken Hardin. My heart pained seeing his unhappy face.

"What happened?" I asked taking few steps in his direction. I made sure my voice was soft yet audible.

"Nothing, just some family problem" he replied looking everywhere but not me. He roughly brushed his finger through his hair.

I just hummed in response. 

"Why are you here?! " he asked after few moments of silence. 

"Wanted to get away from Ace" I replied sipping the coke in my hand while my eyes roamed around his features trying to understand his face expressions.

He just nodded. 

I wanted to ask him what is troubling him. But before I could I was engulfed into a hug. My breath hitched the moment he held me in his arms. I wanted to push him away but my traitor body didn't even move a bit. He moved his hand around my waist pulling my body closer to his. 

"Just for a second can you hold me…" his voice was more like a whisper. He was pleading. Without my knowledge my hands automatically made it's way around him. I wrapped my hands around his neck holding him. 

I tried to stay calm but internally my body was burning. This is new feelings… Why does it feel so different to be around hardin? To be in his arms.

His grip on my waist increased, "Why only me?" I don't know whether he was asking me or speaking to himself. 

The only thing I want to do now is comfort Hardin. 

"Hardin -" I was unable to complete my sentence because his phone started ringing again. 

He pulled away from me; I could see the name of the caller ID: Mom. 

"I should get going" with that he ran out. 
