|| Drama at party

✺ Clarissa ✺

Hardin acts as if he is carefree and strong but he isn't. I got to know this today. 

What is troubling him? Why was he sad? All these thoughts were eating my mind. 

I moved in the direction of kitchen to see the birthday girl Hannah and her scary gang. 

What sort of girlfriend is she? She doesn't even care about her boyfriend.

Wait! Is he sad because of her? 

"I always had doubt that you are into my boyfriend." Hannah spoke when I was walking past her. 

I turned around to confirm if she is speaking to me. 

"Sorry…? Are you speaking to me" I asked 

"Yea you bitch" she snapped. 

Oh wait girl? Nobody dares to speak to me like this. 

"I have no time for your stupidity," I pause roaming my eyes at her figure I smirk, "Anyways happy birthday bitch" I said grinning. 

"Stay away from Hardin." she said gritting her teeth. 

"Have you gone nuts? What are you speaking" Who the hell wants to be around him? 

"I saw you and him at terrace" she said, if looks could kill someone I would’ve been dead by now. 

Oh my god… She saw me and Hardin at terrace, which means she saw him hugging me. 

Girl... Why I am I loving this conversation so much, I so badly want to burn this lady in front of me. 

"And your conclusion is?" I asked raising an eye brow. 

"Don't test me Clarissa, stay away from Hardin. I am warning you, if you won't stay away from him the consequences will be bad " she shouted. 

"Whoa, it's so funny that you think I’m scared of your empty treats." I said clapping my hands. 

"You don't know me Clar -" I cut her off in the middle, "Oh scary cat you don't know me. Dare to touch me or even think about it, I will make your life a living hell." I said glaring at Hannah and her friends. 

"He likes me Clarissa; what if I tell him that you dared to hurt me. His girlfriend!" She said, now this is real Hannah. 

"Thank god, the real cunning Hannah is back…" I mocked her, "… and I think you should listen to this one "I said walking in her direction.

Looking into her eyes I said "These are the exact words that your so called boyfriend said when someone tried to harm at college… "I glared at her and continued with a smile laced on my face, "Everyone here listen carefully, anyone who messes with her, messes with Hardin Rhett" I completed the sentence with a pout which was enough to boil her blood. 

"So scary cat! Stay away from me if you don't want a breakup." I laughed. 

"Nothing is possible between you both." she spat 

"Now now girl, never challenge Clarissa Harper." I said folding my hands in front of my chest. 

I and Hardin! I have never thought about this. 

She raised her hand to slap me but all thanks to my reflex, I was fast enough to avoid her hand from reaching my cheek. 

"Hannah control your hand cause next time I won't leave you if you try creepy things like this on me." I bellowed twisting her hand making her cry in pain. 

"Stay away from me" I spat and walked out. 

So much of drama...!! 
