|| Hannah : why did you do this

✺ Clarissa ✺

"Where were you yesterday? I didn't see you at the party." Vinnie asked while designing her nails with shimmery nail paint. 

"I had small fight with birthday girl and hence I left early" I replied replaying my fight with Hannah.

"What? OMG…! I missed seeing her getting insulted by you..!" She started jumping. 

I and Vinnie never liked Hannah. We all studied in the same high school. All the girls of our class were either in my team or in Hannah's team. 

As both of us belonged to rich families our parents tried to make us friends and to be honest I also tried until she came in between me and my boyfriend. 

●○ Flashback ○●

Stefan Dark was the hottest guy of our high school. He asked me out for a date and I agreed. Later after some 3 dates I agreed to be his girlfriend, everything was perfect until that night when Hannah's boyfriend broke up with her cause he saw her cheating him with someone else. 

I was consoling Hannah when Christian (Hannah boyfriend) came into the room. 

"Clarissa what are you doing with her? " he asked with confusion plastered on his face. 

"What do you mean by what I am doing with her? You both broke up right? Why are you here?" I asked standing up. 

"Yeah thank god I caught her cheating or else I don't know for how long she would have deceived me like this." he said running his fingers through his hair. 

"What do you mean by caught her cheating?" As far as I know Hannah was serious about Christian then why is he saying she cheated on him? 

"Oh so this cheater didn't tell you anything?" Christian smirked looking at Hannah and then at me. 

I turned to look at Hannah who had her head lowered. 

Can anyone please tell me what is happening here? 

"Can you stop this detective and guess game and tell me clearly what you want to tell?" I demanded folding my hands in front of my chest. 

"Okay Clarissa, you know this girl " He pointed index finger towards Hannah and continued,  "Cheated on me but what is more shocking is --" he paused looking directly in my eyes making me more nervous. Why do I feel he is going to tell something which will break my heart?

 "She cheated on me with your so called boyfriend..." he said placing his hands inside pocket. 


Stefan cheated on me with my friend?

But why? 

Was I not a good girlfriend? 

I liked him with all my heart, I was thinking of telling about him to my dad. I had also dreamt of going to same college in future. I was planning a big surprise for him tomorrow as it's his birthday but guess what he gave me the biggest shock. 

Were all the things he told me - false? He said he liked me. Then why cheat? 

Gosh…! I hate him. 

How can he play with my feelings like that...? Tears threatened to fall but I controlled myself.

"Hannah take all this " Christian voice rung in my ears and I snapped out of my thoughts. 

He threw all the gifts in front of her, "Keep all this cheap things with you and goodbye. I am leaving for London tomorrow, you won't be seeing me anymore." saying this to Hannah, he turned to face me. 

"Don't believe every other person so easily." Christian smiled and left. 

Hannah came and stood in front of me but before she could talk I asked, "Tell me whatever he said was false; Tell me my boyfriend didn't cheat on me with my friend" I yelled at her. 

She was silent without answering me and that's where I lost it. 

"I can't believe this! Why did you do this Hannah" I was shouting like a woman who has lost all her control.

"It's not like that" she started explaining when the door opened with a loud thud. 

We were greeted with angry face of Stefan. 

"Look who is here! Cheater boyfriend..." I fake laughed.

"Clarissa let me explain." he said moving in my direction. 

"Oh yea explain then." I said sitting on bed. I was trying to act cool but inside I was burning out of anger. 

I hate cheaters, if he didn't have any bloody feelings for me then why act like he actually cares. 

"I don't remember anything Clarissa. I saw her at club; she was drunk, hell...! she was alone there so I helped her, I called you that day but you didn't pick my call so I dropped her at her place but no one was there at her home hence I carried her to her room that's the last thing I remember and next day when I got up " he sighed running his hand through his hair, "I was - I swear I don't remember anything Clarissa " he walked near to bed and stooped down to my level " I like you Clarissa, why will I cheat you." I could see sadness in his eyes, I wanted to believe him. 

"What do you mean by you don't remember anything Stefan, you are making this look as if it was planned by me." It was Hannah who spoke. 

"Can you please stay quiet" he stood up with his jaws clenched, "I am trying to save my relationship, please don't make this worse" he replied to her and turned back to me. 

"Please Clarissa believe me" he said holding my hands in his. 

"Why did Christian say: Hannah cheated him?" I whispered 

"That's because he saw my pregnancy report" it was Hannah who spoke again. I swear whenever she speaks my heart pains more. 

Wait what? Pregnant. 

"What?" I was shocked; I pulled my hand away from Stefan's grip. 

"Yes you heard it right. I am pregnant?" Hannah confirmed 

"I am sorry Clarissa" Stefan whispered. 

"For what are you sorry dammit!" I yelled at him. 

"I am sorry Clarissa" he repeated again. 

"You know what? Fuck off" I snapped. He looked with his eyes wide open "we are done" I said with heavy pain in my heart. 

"Clarissa please d-"


I slapped him hard across his face. His eyes turned red from anger. 

"Have you lost it?" he shouted gripping my shoulders tightly. "Don't you get it when I say I don't remember anything?" He was shouting at me. 

Wasn't it supposed to be other way round? I should be the one shouting at him. 

I jerked his hands away from my shoulders "So what should I do if you don't remember anything Stefan, is that my mistake? Why the hell are you yelling at me?" I snapped, look at the audacity of this guy. He did everything and instead of keeping quiet he is yelling at me. 

His eyes went soft, "I am sorry" he whispered. 

"Accepted and we are done." with that I walked out of the room. 

I went to Vinnie place that day and told her everything, she was more angry than me but what she told me made me think once more about my relationship with Stefan. 

"Are you sure it wasn't planned by Hannah" Vinnie asked handing me juice. 

"What do you mean? Why would she lie about her pregnancy " I questioned. 

"I am not sure, I don't get good vibes from her, what if she is not pregnant with Stefan child" she stated plainly. 

Why will she do that to Me.? 

My phone buzzed and it was Stefan. 

"Why are you calling me" I asked rudely. 

"Listen to me Clarissa, please." he was pleading. 

I didn't reply so he continued. 

"I really didn't cheat on you, I really like you but if you don't believe me it means you don't trust me. Clarissa I can't stay here any longer knowing that you are going look as if I am cheater....I am going to New York tomorrow , I really wish you happiness, if at all we meet in future please don't look at me with hatred in your eyes, goodbye Clarissa." he completed the sentence. 

I felt a pang in my heart, is he leaving? God! Am I doing a mistake? Should I stop him? 

"Won't you at least tell me goodbye" he asked again 

"Goodbye Stefan, I wish you good luck" with that I disconnected the call. 

Tears started rolling down my eyes; I held my phone tightly and started crying. 

"You will be okay" Vinnie hugged me. 

Next day I got to know that Stefan really went to New York. After few days I got to know that Hannah lied to me, she was not pregnant with Stefan’s child. 

She lied to me...!! 

She was jealous of me because her parents always compared her to me, always asked her to be like me. 

Just to make me unhappy she did such big stunt. From that day I started hating Hannah. 

But I lost my boyfriend, why the hell I didn't believe him? I lost the person who really liked me. But at the end of the day – Everything that happens to us happens for a reason. I think we weren’t destined to be together.

I told all this to Emily (Hannah sister), she was furious when she came to know about Hannah’s stunt. 

Her sister even challenged her saying that she can never date a good looking guy without deceiving him. No guy would want a stupid and player girl like her... 

●○●○Flashback ends●○●○

But see today she is girlfriend of most handsome guy of our college - Hardin Rhett. 

She made me learn big lessons of life... 

Never trust anyone so easily, they might speak to you very sweetly but behind your back they can be snakes. Two faced evil people. 

But I didn't do anything to Hannah in return because you know karma is bitch...!!! You scheme and speak about people behind their backs, believe me it's going to backfire. 

I hope one day God will show Hannah her place. 
