|| His world stopped.

✺ Hardin ✺

I next called arthur, "Hello check if your men are still following Clare " I asked once he picked the call.

"Yes they are! " he said but he was interrupted by one more voice "Boss! Clarissa was kidnapped by TST men "

"What?! What the hell were you doing? " he yelled at someone.

"Boss they were four and we were only two so we didn't try anything. One of our men was following them but we lost the track " he said in defeated tone and my heart sank.

"Take all the men, I want Clarissa safe. " he ordered someone "Hardin! I am sorry but remember one thing TST won't harm her! I will put in all my efforts to bring her back safe!" he said and this time I didn't believe him.

I disconnected the call. Where will I find Clarissa in such big city then something hit my head, her phone isn't switched off.