|| What have I done

✺ Hardin ✺

Shock is an understatement for what I am feeling right now.

I am out of words. Did Clare yell dad or did I just over hear.

Everything around me started spinning, something which I can't handle is Clare not being next to me. If by any chance he is her dad then I don't know what to do? I can't imagine my life without her.

Clare eyes were struck on the man who was sprawled on floor wounded. I think he isn't dead cause I could see his eyes opening and closing and he was looking at Clare.

Clare hands were on her mouth with tears rolling down her cheek, she hasn't moved a inch from her place. She is standing like a statue. I made my way towards her, beads of sweat trickled down my forehead and my heart was thumping in my ribcage. I just pray he isn't her dad...

"Clare is - is he your dad?! " I whispered looking at her now shivering figure.

"I need to take him hospital, get her with you " stefan said looking at me with sympathy.