|| Hide and seek.

✺ Hardin ✺

When Clarissa called me and said someone's outside her building, I felt my heart race and my mind started wandering around possibility of Clarissa getting hurt.

Retrieving my car keys I walked out. Just as I parked my car another two cars parked alongside mine.

Mr.Harper along with few of his men got down from car.

"Make sure they don't run away! " Mr. harper ordered his men and started moving towards the main door.

He glanced in my direction and shook his head walking away.

As soon as the men saw us, they started running.

Clarissa came running downstairs, her face filled with terror. She was scared to another level. The first thing she did was running into arms of her dad.

This shows how much she is connected to him. I know she blindly believes me but her love for her dad is far more than everything.