|| She called her mommy.

✺ Clarissa ✺

Here I was embarrassed and there was this hardin who isn't even feeling anything.

Dahlia was playing with his tie while he was busy with his phone.

"I need to go back to company. I have few things to take care of " I said turning to face hardin.

"Yeah okay. I will come along. I have asked Arthur to bring yara along with him. Let's speak about yesterday matter. " Hardin replied

"Alright " I simply stated

We dropped Dahlia at playschool and drove towards my company.

Mom had called morning, she was shaken by the fact that yara had tried to harm me again.

Dad was filled with rage when he got to know that yara was behind my accident, he was even ready to file a complaint but hardin stopped him saying that Arthur is extremely sorry about her behavior and he will make sure that yara won't harm me.