I see you are not going to do it. said Oliver to Alex
I will do it. said Alex as he brings out his phone.
before you make that call, I am just wondering about your mom. said Oliver
what? asked Alex
your little nephew, he probably is a teenager by now, you know a lot of things happens to teenagers, we wouldn't want anything to happen to him now do we? asked Oliver
you won't harm a teenager. said Alex
am a crazy psycho remember. said Oliver with a smile
oh before I forget, does your company know that you were once arrested for drugs? asked Oliver
we never really pressed charges for blackmail and attempted rape did we? asked Mili
I don't think we did. said Oliver tapping his chin
how did you know about the drugs? asked Alex shocked
lets say Mike knows how to do a thorough Job, just incase you decide to come after Izzy. said Oliver
am not scared of you. said Alex
good, you shouldn't be. said Oliver as he takes a step closer to Alex and said very slowly