Mili sits on his bed folding his clothes into his suitcase as Izzy and olive helps him pack. it's been a week since Madeleine fiasco.

do you think she is ok? asked Izzy

who? Madeleine? she is fine, she is back to her usual bobbling self. said Mili

is she still angry at Oliver? asked Izzy

no, she isn't, she knows the truth, it's just that she said some little hurtful things to Oliver and she doesn't know how to apologise. said Mili

you know how they both are? thier ego is bigger than this house said Mili as he zips up his suitcase

I can't believe you are leaving, this house will be so boring. right olive? said Izzy

yeah, uncle Mili who will read me horror stories? asked Olive sadly

I can still read to you over the phone. said Mili

but it won't be the same. said Izzy

you both can always come spend the weekend at my place.

are you not ashamed of yourself asking a married woman to spend the weekend at your house? asked Oliver as he walks into the room.