Erin checked her makeup before leaving the car. She blotted her face with some powder and took a deep breath.
If she had learned anything from watching Daniel, it was that in any game of skill, like chess or poker, there are two strategies for winning.
You either play aggressively asserting control, or be cunning and allow your opponent to believe that they have the upper hand.
The latter was how Erin had decided to approach work at TSC. She would allow them to believe that she wasn't aware of their intentions to use her, and in turn she aimed to use them as a platform for other opportunities.
She was now binded by a contract to the company, but she could still work on building business relationships with clients and make a name for herself. Regardless of receiving a poor salary.
What they weren't aware of, was that Erin Parker-Chen wasn't in need of money at all!
"Good morning Hao Meili," said Erin walking past Mr.Stone's secretary.