Do Me a Favor

Erin arrived at Yang Group,

She strutted down the corridor towards her father's office. She wore a short black skirt and a white blouse; her shiny black heels gave off a commanding knocking sound as she walked.

"Miss Parker-Chen," said a man politely bowing his head to her.

Erin smiled politely back.

"Who is that?" asked another employee in a hushed voice.

"She's the daughter of Chen Li," replied the man.


"Hello gorgeous,"

Lily looked up hearing the familiar voice, "Erin!" she got up and hugged her tightly, "This is a nice surprise ... oh are you here to see him?" she whispered.

Erin laughed, "Actually I am here for you. I need to get your opinion on something."

Lily's face looked perplexed, but she followed Erin to the lounge.

The girls sat down at a table and Lily brought over two coffees.

"Listen Lily," Erin started,