Erin reluctantly spent the next couple of weeks at home.
Daniel seemed to be doing better, although with him it was hard to tell if he was really okay or if he was just hiding any pain or stress.
Now Daniel had stopped taking the pain medication and only took the pills for reducing infection and inflammation.
After work Daniel and Fa Shen sat in the living-area drinking and talking.
Erin watched from the end of the hall feeling irritated.
Why is he treating Fa Shen fine, but he is still distant with me? she thought.
She tread carefully down the hall approaching the men.
"Daniel, are you finished?" she asked with crossed arms.
"Not yet," he said glancing at her and placing a cigarette in his mouth.
She snatched the cigarette away, "You shouldn't smoke." she said with a grumpy, agitated energy.
Fa Shen stood up feeling awkward, "Maybe I should go."
Daniel gave Erin a serious look and took the cigarette back from her hand.
"Fa Shen, sit down." he ordered.