The Yang Secret

'Last Will and Testament of Mr.Daniel Yang.'

It was a thoroughly detailed document describing the wishes and requests of a person after their death.

Erin scanned over the paper, reading the key information.


She read:

Article 1:

In the event of Mr.Daniel Yang's death, ten percent of his finances will be inherited by his spouse Mrs.Erin Yang, also known by the maiden name, Miss Erin Parker-Chen.

Article 2:

The remaining ninety percent of the finances along with all holdings, properties and owned companies including that of International Corporation 'Yang Group' and any partnered or partially owned businesses under the name of Daniel Yang, shall be inherited directly by,

Fa Shen his assistant and employee.


Erin held the paper in her hands and tried to process the information. It was a recent document, because it referred to her by her married name.

Fa Shen?

Daniel would pass his company and all of his possessions to Fa Shen?