
Twenty-three years ago.

Young master Daniel and Young Shen played by a wide mossy stone fountain, in the vast lush gardens of the Yang summer home.

Young master Daniel was twelve years old, he sat on the stone rim of the fountain beside the water adding the finishing touches to a polished wooden toy boat.

Young Shen, of only seven years old sat beside his elder brother watching with great concentration and admiration.

"How do you do it Daniel?" he asked with wonder as he watched the young master place the boat into the water and push it gently away.

They laughed as they watched it reach the other side.

"How do you make it so that it doesn't sink?" young Shen asked with wide eyes.

The young master smiled, "It's about balance. It must be crafted perfectly, symmetrical with no fault or crack. The mast must be positioned exactly centered... and it should be handsome in design."

"Why must it be handsome?" asked young Shen.