Mia Jiang Wakes Up!

June entered the Jiang Mansion with an oblivious smile on her face. Her lips still tingling with Dylan's kiss, and her walk cheery and light as air. She hummed a song with each bouncy step.

The heavenly mood was immediately distinguished when she met Jade sitting on the sofa, in the large sitting-room surrounded by expensive possessions and open bags.


Jade sat cross-legged, dresses and clothes draped over her knees, and all over the sofa. Her face buried in her hands and the sound of heart-breaking sobbing escaped the gaps between her fingers.

June and Jade's relationship wasn't a particularly affectionate one, but the sight of Jade looking so helpless, sparked a protective instinct within June.

"What happened Jade?" June said removing the clothes from the couch and wrapping a comforting arm around her sister.