chapter 35

He took Gigi's hand in our and i would be lying if i say didn't like the tingles and knots in my belly!

"prepare foe meeting ceremony!"

Dan said

Oh Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!Fuck! Fuckkkkkkkk!

this time Dan has messed up hard and left me to clean his shit!

pushing Dan back i pulled Gigi inside. i was a bit harsh i can't let A human in my life!

i threw some harsh words at her which brought tears to her eyes.

I so hated myself for putting those tears their but i can't help my hatred towards human! i even told her i will reject her which not oy broke my heart but also made my wolf angry at me.

Before i could say anything else the guard came and said that we have a situation.

i locked Gigi inside the room and was informed about the situation making my eyes and mind explode in shock.

We were about to hit by huge tsunami!

How the Fuck a tsunami is coming here?