chapter 36


a lot of you have asking about Zayn finding out Gigi's powers!

that part shall come after i explain the events that happened along with Tris and Four story from Zayn's POV

Still i am cutting down the Zayn POV and keeping it only to like the main things so if i miss a detail or few just don't bother!



she almost immediately answered me and me being a lie detector ass caught her lieing.

God how can one be such a bad liar?

I ordered her to come back in my wife voice which no wolf can deny not even rouges!

"How could you Zayn?"Dan my wolf growled at me in anger


"What in this Damn world is going on your mind! she your sister hell she is your younger sister! How can you be so cruel to use your powers on your own sister!"Dan said

"either let me do the fuck i am doing or never see our run away mate again!" Z

silence took over my wolf. i knew he would fall for it!

"but i have one condition!" Dan

"shoot it!"Z

"I want you to marry Gigi!" Dan