Chapter 37

"Did your stupid beta's ass really thought of being a compression to me. THE KING!?"Z

Four wanted to get up and rip him into shreeders but his body just won't cooperate with him!

He lifted the only organ replying yo his callw and lifted his eyes which held pure hatred towards him.

"KING?...HAHAHHAHAHA. did you mean the arrogant bastard king who is the cause of his own sister death and his Mate running away!?"F

Those words cut deep through Zayn's heart and ego!

why you might ask?

because they were the bitter truth!

Zayn blood boiled in anger.

How dare he insult his king!

"Bent lower!" Zayn ordered in his King voice to which Four's body without four's permission obliged and now his head was kissing the dirty ground!

(I know the phrase is a bit uncomfortable!"

"You arrogant egoistic Damn bastard!What do you think punishing me would hide the truth and change the reality? i found out the great king of werewolf world is nothing but a pathetic fool!"F