chapter 52


we made it to the top of recommended section!

I shall be showing my gratitude with an extra long chapter today!



i leaned into the door wanting to hear more of their conversation but was welcomed by only silence.

"its considered bad manners to ease drop! didn't your parents taught you?"

I flinched at those words no doubt coming out of my arrogant mates mouth. he talk...

"Yes i am talking to you Gigi. come in!" Z

Okayyy! this is messed up so i better leav...

"If you dare leave and not enter in 3 seconds i am gonna do it myself!" Z

huffing at his warning not bothering to take his order i turned on my heels.

Who the hell he thinks he is?

But i was lifted in air before i could even take a step!

What the Fuck!!!!!

"Put me down you idiot! let me go"i yelled at Zayn

"I will never let you walk away Gigi!"