chapter 53


91k!!!!!! just 2 days ago i thanked hitting 80k and now 90k, 100 reviews and the getting on top of recommended section.

Kinda hard to digest but thanks to you all.

lets try hitting 100k and i shall gave 4 bonus chapter!




Zayn POV

A growl escaped my mouth wanting to lock Gigi up far away where no one especially V can find her. she can only see and talk to me!

Jealousy aside stop your psychopathic behaviour Zayn.

Before i could shut the fuck up my idiot wolf my breath went uneven as i felt my chest bones crack and my body numb.

"Zayn F.." Dan tried to utter out the words as being my split personality and wolf (Don't get confused split personality and wolf are same person co existing with in you) he felt the pain too.

"I know Dan!" i said and excused myself from the meeting although was throwing daggers at me with her gaze and i also didn't wanna leave that ass also known as V with her but i have to before it's too late.