22 See you Again

The next morning Lina finished cleaning the house and knocked on Yanlin's bedroom door.

"Huuhhh??" he moaned from inside.

"I'm coming in!" she called, "You better be dressed!"

She entered the messy room, holding her nose so as not to inhale the stinky stench and began gathering the dirty laundry that covered the floor in a small basket.

She picked a dirty sock from the desk, and reached under the bed, grabbing a handful of musty old underwear. A sweat-stained sports shirt lay across the TV screen and a pile of assorted clothes covered a chair in the corner of the room.

"Yanlin, this is gross!" she said smacking him across the head with a dirty sock.

He just grumbled some words and hid under his cover; rolled up like a caterpillar in a cocoon.


Lina got to work on the laundry and dusted off her hands, feeling accomplished as she looked around at the tidy sitting-area.