31 Curious Questions

After Lina had fixed her clothes and checked her makeup in the mirror of the ladies bathroom she headed straight for her class.

The last class would be finishing soon and she had a tutoring session after school so she quickly went to fetch her coat and bag.

She waited around the entrance for Julie, when she saw Shao leave the school with his hand on Julie's shoulder.

"You're essay was amazing Julie," he praised her with a cheesy smile.

Lina grabbed Julie's arm and pulled her over, whispering in her ear, "Go wait in the car and I will be there in a minute."

Julie nodded and skipped away, and down the stairs.

Lina crossed her arms and a frown formed across her brow.

"Shao, don't be so friendly with Julie."

"What?" he laughed, "Seriously Lina? Are you jealous?"

"Not at all," she spoke firmly, "But her father wouldn't like the way you touch her shoulder and joke around with her."