The door opened with a click and William Zheng entered.
Lina immediately straightened up her posture, "Mr.Zheng, we were just taking a short break, but Julie will continue now."
He smiled and rubbed his hands, taking a seat beside them. "Good, well my meeting is finished so you can take a break if you need to Miss Liang?"
"I'm good thanks," she smiled.
He nodded at her, and peered into her mug, placing a hand on it. "This coffee is cold. I'll tell Qi Xiaofan to get you another."
"No that's fine sir."
Lina grabbed the mug, accidentally placing her hand on his. Static electricity formed a small shock between their hands and she jumped.
He smiled through tightened lips.
Julie sighed and fidgeted in her place, "Can I go to the bathroom pleeeaase?"
Lina laughed, "Of course Julie."
After Julie left, Lina sat opposite William in an awkward silence.
"So you had a meeting." she spoke awkwardly.
"Yes," he said, "Just some business to take care of while I am here."