33 Cruel Words

Chaoyang International School,

"Miss Liang! Miss Liang!" called Principal Shi as she came waddling down the wide hall in her kitten heels and the pearl necklaces around her neck rattled with each wobbly step.

"Yes Principal?" said Lina, holding a stack of students' copybooks.

The small woman held a paper up to her face and peered over her tinted spectacles. "Everyone has been assigned to a committee for the Christmas Formal Dance. You're on the decoration committee with Miss Zou the art teacher and Miss Stein the German teacher."

Lina sighed, "Oh Principal, Do I have to? Can't I be on the food committee or invitations or something?"

The principal shook her head, "Decorations are one of the most important committees Lina! You know that the art teacher is a bit of a slacker, I need you to push her to finish on time, now don't disappoint me!"

Lina nodded and shrugged her shoulders after Mrs.Shi had left.
