Andrew lay back on a reclining chair in front of the large screen, and Julie took the long lounge part of the sofa to herself. All snuggled up under a blanket and munching popcorn, she had never been so happy and Lina could tell.
Lina watched from the open American style kitchen as Julie squealed at the scary scenes in the movie and cowered under her blanket, but she still giggled throughout.
It was nice to hang out in an apartment rather than a hotel.
Lina sighed and watched Will finish the last of the dishes.
"This is nice," she said hugging him from behind, "Why don't we get an apartment and do this everynight?"
"Lina... We've already gone over this before. Living here is temporary, so don't get too attached."
"Right," she sulked, "And... are we temporary, me and you?"
"No way," he shook the water from his hands and turned to face her. William picked her up and sat her on the countertop.
"Don't say that again, okay?"
She nodded and played with the buttons on his shirt.