112 Testing Me?

The next morning Lina woke up early after deliberately setting an alarm on her cellphone.

She rolled up her sleeves and got to work on tidying up the apartment after the mess they had left last night.

She fluffed each cushion on the sofa, folded the blankets, swept up any crumbs or stray chips that had fallen on the floor and made her way to the kitchen.

As she knelt down on the tiled floor in the kitchen, she was startled when William walked in wearing his suit from the previous day.

"What are you doing?" he asked arching an eyebrow.

"Oh? I'm looking for something to clean the glass coffee table. Do you know where Andrew keeps his cleaning supplies?"

Will looked unappeased, "No, and I doubt that he does either. Come on," he pulled her hand to help her stand up, "Andrew has a maid that comes by everyday."

Lina adjusted her glasses, "Oh? I didn't know. I thought-"

"I know, but you shouldn't do that again."

"Do what?" she frowned.