135 Stupid Ex

Lina stood opposite Wen ShaoQing and the Art teacher Zou XiaoDan. His face was smug and his arm was wrapped around Miss Zou's waist. Slightly inappropriate for a school full of kids, but Lina pretended not to notice and she kept a straight, calm face

He laughed and looked Lina up and down, checking out her clothes and the expensive jewel that hung around her neck.

"So, are you back then?" he smiled.

Lina didn't know why he was acting so happy, it was sickening and she tried to hide her disgust from their touchy behavior.

"No, I'm not. I was just having a word with Principal Shi."

"Dan Dan and I are engaged!" he blurted before Lina could turn and leave.

"Hmm? Congratulations..." Lina said looking unimpressed when XiaoDan pushed her hand in Lina's face and showed off a thin silver band with a tiny diamond in the center.

"You're welcome to come to the wedding Lina," Shao smirked.