136 We're a Family?

"So, Julie's name is registered," Lina told William and Julie over dinner that night in the hotel restaurant.

"The final exams will be two weeks from now. I think that we are fine with the languages, Arts and Humanities but perhaps we should consider getting another tutor for math?"

William ate his food and glanced at Julie, "It's not necessary," he said dismissively.

"Why?" Lina frowned, "I mean I try my best but math isn't my specialty and I don't want Julie's grade to suffer because of me..."

"Julie isn't going to pursue anything math related. I have her report cards from every year and the only subjects she consistently did well in are Geography and History, and that's only because you taught her."

Lina was flattered but she saw the sad expression on Julie's face, "Will?" she whispered, "Can we talk in private."

They retreated to the outdoor area of the restaurant where most guests would have an after-dinner cigarette.