205 Spoiled at Home and Suspicious Spies

A week had passed since the ultrasound and Lina still hadn't mentioned the pregnancy to Julie.

It wasn't like she was scared, but she was a little worried about how Julie would take the news.

Things between them had finally gotten good and Lina was proud to see that Julie had started to view her as a mom rather than just a friend or a teacher.

It really hit her when she saw that Julie had posted a picture of Will, Lina and herself at the Eiffel Tower in Paris on her social media.

Julie had captioned the post, 'Exploring Paris with my Parents' and all of her friends had commented nice things, and expressed their wishes to have cool parents too.

Lina joined William and Julie at the breakfast table before Will left for work.

"Why did you take so long? Your porridge is cold," Julie complained and pulled out a seat for Lina to sit beside her.