206 Feeling Left Out

"Julie please talk to me!" Lina begged in the bathroom of the grocery store.

"I don't want to speak to you!!" Julie shouted from behind the cubicle door.

"I thought you were my friend!! Why didn't you tell me that you're pregnant!!"

"I'm sorry!" Lina begged, "I wanted to surprise you over dinner, I got you the bag you were looking at..." she said in a hopeful tone.

"Really...?" Julie's voice quietened and Lina sighed with relief.

"Yes Jules, now please let's go home and have a nice night. Your dad would be so sad if he knew we were fighting."

"Dad only cares about you!" she blurted, "So that's why he keeps rubbing your back and feeding you! He wants another kid!"

"Julie, please honey this isn't the place to talk about this- Owhhh..!!"

Lina stopped mid-sentence and clutched her stomach.

The door clicked open and Julie rushed to Lina's side, "Lina! Are you okay? Is the baby okay??"

Lina panted a couple of breaths and nodded, "I'm... fine..."