Next morning Laura was awake first and after freshen up she decided to make breakfast for her family. So she decided to make Red sauce pasta , Toast omelet and orange juice....

Mrs Watson woke up by listening to the noise coming from the

kitchen then she saw her daughter making breakfast as this is very rare for her to wake up early in morning.....

She back hugged her daughter and Said " so what my daughter is doing here early in the morning... as much as I know she don't like to be early.."

Laura kisses her mother cheeks and said " GOOD MORNING MOM.. NOTHING I wanted to prepare breakfast for everyone so here everything is almost done.. you go and get fresh I will wake that dumbo.. till then you wake father too..i wil join soon " saying that she rushed upstairs and woke her brother who was sleeping like a baby half body on ground and half on bed..

" my baby is grown up..." her mother said to herself..

LAura couldn't help but think about her family and their happiness she smiled and goes to wake jack up as his exams are approaching.

Soon the family had a great time during breakfast. Laura was not going college as Harry asked them to meet at mall before Lunch hours as college has decided to give them a small farewell party in a hotel ....

so everyone decided to do shopping together and their lunch too.

Laura informed her parents about the party and shopping and they both agreed but jack was not and her parents knew that .

So her parents also convince jack to go with her in the party. and LAura also agreed with them. After deciding that jack will aslo go with her her parents took their leave for the cafe..

Laura decided to wear blue colour jumpsuit and reached at the exact time in mall. All of them were gathered at the entrance and Harry first decided to go to his hair stylist and girls decided to ho dress showroom. They parted their ways and Tina and Mia selected some jwellery and wine red and silver color knee length dresses for themselves....

And here Laura was unable to decide what to buy and suddenly her eyes landed on a simple dress of peach colour and different pink shades that was looking beautiful.. She called Tina to decide if this will suit her or not and dress was yet simple but eye catching and beautiful . Dress length will be below her knees and Tina asked her to try it...

After wearing when she came out in the dress Tina and Mia both were stunned looking at her she was looking very beautiful..

After shopping everyone reached to the the restaurant for lunch.

They were going back when suddenly a car Stop in front of them ...

And as soon as she saw she gasp next moment because he looking so handsome in his office suit more than their previous encounter.

Same goes with Rian he was looking at her no no no... it was gawking .. he was gawking at her her like he will eat her and due his constant stares she again started blushing this scene was not left by especially Harry Tina and Mia trio was looking at them like what is going on here .

Then Harry hugged Rian and introduced him to everyone

" Tina Mia Laura meet him .. he is my elder brother's best'friend Rian Wilson .. and brother they are my best friends we are classmates.."Harry introduced them

AND Rian nodded every time Laura was in still in daze and both girls were admiring him .

Rian forwarded his hands towards LAura and LAura took his hands for shaking . and they were staring at each other and Harry notice the change in environment between both of them and took their pictures secretly to show his brother.

Then Harry coughed loudly to make them realise that they are on road and they were looking here there due to embarassment...

" Brother join us .. we are going for lunch.." Harry said

But Rian was here for the meeting so he kindly said ..." No Harry you enjoy with your friends actually I am here to meet my business partner.."

" ok .. fine but one day we will have a lunch together.." This time Tina said ...

Rian nodded and smiled while looking at Laura .. finally They took their leave and said goodbye to him.

Rian was still standing there and staring at her disappearing figure and small smile form on his face by seeing her..

Soon after enjoying their day they reached there houses and Laura was still thinking about Rian .. she decided to take take a nap before her parents came back ..

After sometime she went downstairs and saw her mother and decided to help her in preparing dinner . Dinner was served but this time Laura was not present mentally and this was noticed by her family. ..







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