After sometime she went downstairs and saw her mother and decided to help her in preparing dinner . Dinner was served but this time Laura was not present mentally and this was noticed by her family.

Mr Watson asked her " what happened Laura .. everything thing alright.. "

But Laura shook her head and lied to them that " Nothing dad I was just tired after shopping..." and her parents they believed her..

In Laura's room she was unable to sleep because when everytime she tries to close his her Rian face comes infront of her . She sighed loudly and After tossing and turning for 30 min sleep took over her ...

On the other side Rian really became restless by seeing her again.. and after remembering that tomorrow he will going to meet her again he smiled. Rian was excited to see her again next day in party ..

while on the other side

Zake Was Planning Something To Make Laura His And He Want To Make Sure That He Will Not Let Her Go This Time Definitely.......

EMILY came to knew about his plan as she is also friend with him but not close but somehow she got know this and now she decided to play a game with Laura and will definitely give her the worst memory...

But Who Knows What Will Happen...

....NEXT MORNING.... ...

Laura had her breakfast and asked jack to be ready on time an they will meet him at the venue.

Laura and Tina decided to go to Mia's house for getting ready as her mother is the owner of the one of the best salon . They arrived at her her house and started to get ready .....

Mia's mother helped them in making their hair style and with little make up.. but Laura didn't applied anything.. she did little touch up .

The trio was looking perfect and very beautiful with their outfits..

Rian was busy in attending meetings and he forgot about the party .. but Oscar called him and asked him to be ready on time as they will go together ...

Rian ended his meetings fastly as he wanted to meet Laura .. Then Rian ordered Alvin to cancel his dinner meeting as he will go to the party...

Alvin nodded and Rian asked him to bring his dress to office as he will go directly from here after finishing his pending files..

Alvin reaches Wilson mansion and was greeted by the maids . Grandma was sitting in hall and watching T.V and Alvin greeted her

But she hugged him she also likes Alvin as he is sincere and honest person.

" Young man what brings you here this time" Grandma asked because as she knows this time her grandson would be involved in meetings with Alvin..

" Sir was asking for his dress for the party and he said that he will be late today ..." Alvin replied to her..

Grandma nodded and went in his room to take a new pair of his formal clothes..

In the mean time Mrs. Nora Wilson came to hall and Alvin also greeted her .... .

" Oh Alvin.. you here . anything important" Nora asked himin her sweet voice..

Alvin said " Rian sir ordered me to take his clothes and he will be going in the party organized by zyc college"

AND then she remember about the girl and asked Alvin " Alvin .. isn't that the same College where he met that girl .. and I know he never attended such parties and now he is going there.."

" OSCAR sir and Liam sir are going too.mam " Alvin said looking down..

" ok gather some information about her if you can " Nora said and smiled..

Because Nora knows his son will never tell her about any girl on her own..soon Alvin took their leave and reached office..

After getting ready in black color suit he was looking devilish handsome.. His friends came to pick him up and everyone was looking very smart.

Soon they reached the party venue .

Rian was searching for only her and after entering into venue lights were dim and everyone was enjoying there... And Harry and Oscar and Liam notice his eagerness as Harry has already showed their pics he clicked in restaurant.....


Speak of it not, think of it not, lest regrets may cloud the failing light, and weariness a shroud becomes. This little thing, once proud in love and lust, now hides its face and soon it will be dust. Gone is the lustre and delight of fond imaginings, as shadows deepening enfold what once seemed ever bright, impervious to encroaching night.

Grief hides pain behind a veil of anger, rage, and disbelief. And yet, it consumes your every moment and every thought. Inside, you want to lash out at the world, viciously, violently, anything, to send the hurt back! Grief clings to death and in so doing, devastates the living. Your world shrinks to memories, reflected in pools of tears. And life loses its spark, for the part of you, you’re missing, has left a hole in your heart. Time is but a concept of the mind, as flimsy as a thought it has no power over pain. And yet, there is something stronger than time that can numb pain, and that is hope... fueled by love.





WAITING FOR YOUR COMMENTS ...(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤(•‿•)(•‿•)

