Herry was also searching for his friends and after 15 minutes trio enter the venue as soon as people saw the girls they were stunned looking at them . They were looking just like Angels..

Rian notice the sudden whispering and followed their gaze as his eyes landed on Laura his mouth was hang open and was literally admiring her every curve .

Same was with Oscar and Liam. They were also staring at Tina and Mia... Soon jack accompanied them . And Rian was somehow disheartened by seeing her with another boy.

Soon the party get started and Everyone was enjoying it dancing and drinking but alcohol was not allowed only juices so for some people it was boring..

Harry also joined them and they were enjoying and Rian Liam and Oscar was only staring at them .

Jack was sitting in the corner using his phone and drinking juice.

Emily was also sitting at the juice corner and she called out a waiter and asked him do her some work and in return she gave home money .. After nodding his head waiter left and goes to juice and mix some powder in Laura drink ..

Emily was really excited to to see the next scene after 20 minutes....

Laura and Tina were sipping there juice while Jack got call from parents and they want him to return to cafe as it was urgent so he was searching for Laura that both will go home together . But Tina refused Jack by saying that she will drop her safely at home and he don't worry about her she is with them ..

Tina said .. " jack we know how much you care for Laura but trust me nothing will happen so you can go and Let us enjoy little bit more...."

After listening this Jack sighed and asked LAura to take care of herself and be on time at home safely....

LAura smiled and nodded and said ..." Be careful and drive safely.." Jack smiled and left from there..

Other side

Rian got call from Alvin asking about some files and projects ... as he can not get anything clear from Alvin he moved outside to attend the call...

As time was passing suddenly Laura was feeling dizzy....

she was looking red so Harry asked .." what happen Laura your doesn't look good are you ok.."

Laura said .." I don't know Harry but I am feeling little bit dizzy so I will go to restroom .."

" Wait ... I will go with you.." Tina said and stood up..

" No Tina I will just wash my face and will come back you stay here with mia.. " saying that she moved towards restroom...

when she was about to open the door but someone from behind closed her mouth and dragged her to empty room ...

That was non other than the waiter Emily asked him to take her to room click her pictures with him...

when the door get closed Emily was feeling very dizzy as it was the effect of drug waiter was trying to force her and she was screaming but due to party music her voice will not be heared by anyone.. she started to cry and was begging to leave her but waiter started to took her to bed and was tieing her hand but Laura was screaming for help so he got irritated and slapped her ... soon her head was aching badly ...

Her friends were searching for her as it was almost 15 mins she didn't returned..

When Rian was returning back from the back gate after talking to Alvin he heard like someone was someone was crying buy due to loud music he was not able to differentiate his thoughts..

Rian was going when he heard someone is screaming for help ... then he got alert in the next second he was searching the source of the voice in lobby ...

Suddenly he stopped near the room and got to know that the voice was coming from this room of which door is locked and he was trying to open it... and the voice was getting faint ...

But he didn't gave up soon he kicked the door with full force and what he saw make his blood boil and he was so angry that he is going to kill him...




Of many reasons I love you here is one

the way you write me from the gate at the airport

so I can tell you everything will be alright

so you can tell me there is a bird

trapped in the terminal all the people

ignoring it because they do not know

what to do with it except to leave it alone

until it scares itself to death

it makes you terribly terribly sad

You wish you could take the bird outside

and set it free or (failing that)

call a bird-understander

to come help the bird..."






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