young miss... today sir was on leave and he was out with a girl and they were enjoying their company and now they are in hospital.." that detective Said..

" Any news from his parents..." she asked him...

" I just got a little hint that may be sir will get married soon..." he replied and she hang up the call without any delay...

That girl stood up and went towards the room beside her and sat beside the bed ..

" Dad .. please wake's been more than 15 years you haven't called me princess since then.. please wake up..." saying that she holded his hands and kissed them after that she left that room and went downstairs...

" Mom... grandpa " she called them and kisses her mother cheeks and sat beside her grandpa

" what happened princess..." her mother asked her ...

" Mom I have to leave for los Angeles in next week may be and then I will execute my plan..." girl said ..