But still Tina was not able to overcome her dark past..but she didn't knew what Oscar is going to do with them...

same was with Laura and Rian... Rian didn't left any chance to be with Laura but no one knew what is gonna happen in future now...

Finally tue day arrived when the whole Wilson family has to go to Holliday's mansion for the party..

Rian already covered up his work by the time and left for his home...Emily has also invited Oscar Tina and especially Laura as today there will be a big show for laura...

Laura and Tina both were confused about Emily's sudden visit to Laura's house...

Tina was in no mood to go there as she knew Emily will surely do some kind of show off ...But Oscar and Rian found their own ways to make them agree to come in party with them...

it was decided that Oscar will pick up them from Laura's home..

As it was the party for Emily's birthday.. her grandfather will invite many renowned personalities and many famous politicians....