" oh really... who do you think you are.. where is Alvin... Alvin... Alvin.." Rian shouted and called his PA...

Alvin was standing outside as he warned her not to enter without knocking but Cami did not took it seriously and Alvin was outside as he was afraid of his anger.....

But Rian was calling his name continuously.. and he knew his master's anger is coming on its peak so he took a long breath amd entered inside with his head down....

" Did not you informed her about my privacy and rules ... " Rian looked at Alvin angrily. . .

" Master... I told her not step inside without your permission but she didn't listened to me .." Alvin looked at Cami after his last word . . .

" And who the hell is he to order me.." Cami lost her senses and shouted at Rian . .. .

While Laura was standing behind Rian clutched his hands tightly as she was getting angry because till now no one dared to talk like this to Rian and with Alvin too... everyone respect him....