" Laura on that day there was another man with grandpa..he was Mr Floris..he wants me to marry his granddaughter Cami ... Cami was my college friend... but I didn't knew that she loves me ... I don't know what to do.." saying that Rian held his head in his hands.. . .

Sometimes there is no happy choice, only one less grievous than the others.

RIAN WAS IN HIS THOUGHTS. . . . . . .He knows that The true enemy won't wait out the storm. He brings the storm.

And he has to take each steps very carefully...or else everything will be ruined . . .

" will you really marry her..." Laura said as tears filled in her eyes . . .

" No .. why would I marry her.. when I love you . . you don't have to think about it I will think something..." Rian said ...

" " But you were telling me to stay away from them...why.." Laura asked him...

" Thud.."

In the meantime they were talking the door was opened with a full force....

" Grandpa . . . "

Rian and Laura said in unison. . .