after wedding ceremony it was time for the lunch... everyone was having their lunch when Ms Demet approached oscar and Tina... ..

Since last incidence she could not forget them.. she will take her revenge for what she has suffered and her company faced a loss because of Tina...

Tina's face changed and her eyes flickered on seeing her after so many days...but Oscar did not showed anything he pulled Tina with him and moved in Rian and Laura direction..

Seeing his actions Demet cursed them and fisted her hands..she will surely not going to let them go that easily

Finally it was the time for couple dance.. Cami and Robertson moved to the centre and soon other couples joined them..

Music was played and everyone started to move in the swing..

Sunrise with you on my chest

No blinds in the place where I live

Daybreak open your eyes

'Cause this was only ever meant to be for one night

Still, we're changing our minds here

Be yours, be my dear

So close with you on my lips