After he finished, he drew her nightie back and turned off all of the lights except the side lamps. He wrapped her in the blanket.

He whispered in her ear, "I love you, my babies.."

After confirming she was asleep he moved to the study to found Mr Borlaug was sitting there waiting for him...

" What happened dad... " Liam said as he dragged the chair and sat on it...

" Son ..you know .. Raima's condition but still she is doing work in the office out of her limit.. she is pushing her limits .. and i don't know what to do... i am trying to pursue her to take leave for few months but she is very stubborn.." Mr Borlaug said

" yes dad .. i was Also thinking about this .. don't Worry I will do something.." Liam said and continued his some work while Mr Borlaug already left ...