Her Sadness ♥

°° Grayson °°

I followed her throughout the way. She stopped near the flower shop and bought experience flowers.

I wonder who is the one she wants to give flowers to?

Then she stopped near the gift shop and came out after ten minutes. Don't know what she bought because it was wrapped.

She stopped at the open place restaurant near the beach.

I swear this is the best place I saw so far. It is beautifully decorated. Rates are approachable too.

She was looking here and there, Her eyes were bright as stars looking for someone special...

Is she is meeting someone she loves?

I was cautious because I don't want to blow my cover.

Soon she waved and I instantly look in that direction.

It was a woman around 50 and they both look quite similar.

Is she her Mom?

Or maybe Aunt!

She ran toward her and hugged her. She was looking so happy. I have never seen her that happy ever since I knew them.

I sat two tables behind her so she won't suspect.


Jennet: ^ Mom I am so happy to see you ^

Mom: Hmm!

Jennet: ^ How is work going? Is your schedule is less tough today? ^

Mom: It's free now because I just can't do work anymore. I am getting old, I need Rest.

Jennet: ^ I see so we can see each other often now right? It's too great Mom...Why don't you move in with me... ^

Mom: I am afraid we can't

Jennet: ^ But why? You said to yourself that you're free now! ^

Mom: I am!

Jennet: ^ Mom please tell me what do you mean. I think I don't get it at all ^

Mom: I am moving to Canada with your stepfather tomorrow. All the stuff has already been shifted. I decided to let you know since this is the last time we are seeing each other. I won't be able to come back here again...

Jennet: ^ Mom? Why? Why do you want to go there? ^

Mom: Your stepfather wanted to go there long ago but I told him not to. Since you are a grown-up and can look after yourself so I decided to move.

Jennet: ^ How? how can you say that Mom? So what if I am grown up and can look after myself. Do you know how lonely I am living in such a big house? do you know how much I want you to stay with me? Do you know how badly I wished someone to welcome me, to cook for me and to look after me? ^( she shouted )

Mom: I can't leave Andrew I love him. Besides you have your Dad and you refuse to come and live with me by yourself.

Jennet: ^ Oh yeah I refused but do you know why?

Because that fucking so-called step Dad was looking at me with bad intentions. But how could you know? You were too blinded by his love that you didn't see he came to my room every night and harassed me. That's why I left your place only after living with you for one week.^

° She Slapped her °

Mom: How dare you say something bad for my husband? He was right you are not worthy of my love. You are backbiting such a generous man. Shame on you! He always cares for you but you are not worthy...

Jennet: ^ Love? Do you love me? I know why you both divorced because you both were lying to each other and stabbing each Other back by having affairs with someone else.

You and Dad were never honest from the beginning. I must be one huge mistake made by you two.

Go and live with your bastard husband. I was a fool to love you that much. You are selfish...

from today onward my mother is dead for me.^

Mom: Bitch! I cursed myself to give birth to such an arrogant daughter. You shouldn't have been born. I spend a huge sum on you until now but you don't deserve anything at all. I should've left with Andrew long ago. Can't believe I have wasted 5 years for you. And Yes you were a Mistake that we both are regretting.

°° Grayson °°

I was unable to hear what they were saying until she shouted and I understood what was going on. I heard every single word coming out of her and her Mom's mouth. She was crying and that lady was cursing her. Then She throw everything from the table and left with teary eyes. All the brightness in her eyes was washed away by tears.

That lady pay for the damage and went to her destination.

Until now I have never seen such a kind of relationship between mother and daughter. She left her when she was only 16.

Is she living on her own since then?

How can someone depend on herself at such young age? I can't think of living alone even now.

So that's why she cried that day and ignored me ever since. She was so happy today Although I hate her now I am feeling sympathy for her.

Such careless, Pathetic parents shouldn't exist.


°° At party °°

Princess: Jem you came.

Jennet: ^ Yes. happy birthday dear. This is for you ^

Grace: Hey you are the biggest gift for me you don't need to bring one.

Jennet: ^ But I can't come empty-handed right? ^

Grace: Jem why are your eyes Red? Are you okay?

Jennet: ^ Yes I am fine something went inside my eyes and it was itching ^

Grace: Okay! how was the meeting?

Jennet: ^ Well I don't feel like talking about it now and besides it's your big day, So let's just focus on you ^

Grace: Right! what am I asking? It's my birthday let's enjoy fullest.

Jennet: ^ We shall drink till we wasted ^

Grace: Wow I would love to drink with you. Let's cut the cake and then we can drink.

Jennet: ^ Is everyone here? ^

Grace: I was only waiting for you and Ray. Now that you both are here and my handsome boyfriend is already around so let's cut the cake.

°° Jennet °°

I roamed around to see who is here while Princess was being Lover Dovey with her boyfriend. I saw Dalton, He was looking so hot in the black shirt.

Damn, I also want to wear black but in the end, I selected this white strapless short frock. It's okay black and white are a pretty nice combination.

I want to say Hi and move close to him but I saw Angelina. She was waiting for him already. He saw me but instead of coming close, he waved me from the far and gesture to me that Angelina is waiting for him.

Fuck love

Fuck parents

Fuck my life.

Fuck Virginity

I will drink with Princess.

And washed away all the sorrow

I will pick a guy tonight I don't feel like spending the night alone.

I want someone to love me even if it's temporary.

Princes cut the cake, Since I love sweets so I prefer to eat cake first. I saw Grayson sitting in the corner staring at the space looking so sad.

Fuck that idiot I hate him too.

Jennet: ^ Princess let's drink ^

Jay: Sweetheart you are lightweight so don't drink too much.

Princess: Oh Jay I am not. I will drink with my best friend tonight until we are drunk.

Jay: You will be drunk after 3 glasses anyways.

Princess: You! are you challenging me.

Jay: Hey! When did I? I don't mean that.

Princess: I know what do you mean. I will prove how well I can control my liquor.

Jay: God has mercy on me.

Princess: Let's go, Jenny. Just you, me, and wine.

Jennet: ^ I am in ^

