I Promise ♥

°° Before Party Grayson's flashback °°




Grayson: • Yes Mom? •

Son i am angry on these two knuckleheads. they are fighting.

Grayson: • What happened Mom? Are you Okay? •

Yes since i locked myself inside the room.

Grayson: • What exactly happened? •

They want to go on college road trip.

Grayson: • Road Trip? Not a big deal Mom. Let them go •

Son it's too expensive.

Grayson: • How much Mom? 4000-5000? •

No Son 6000 per person in total 12,000.

Grayson: • What the.... 12,000? are they going on Moon? •

That's why i become angry on them. They are very spoiled. I need to feed some respect on their minds. they should know our situation. How can we manage such amount at the end of month?

Graysn: • Mom they are taking out A lot of Money from students •

Son your sisters were after me for many days, i didn't want to stress you out that's why i keep it hidden but now they are making a huge fuss. it's one week trip plan with free food and stay.

Grayson: • Mom don't worry i will try to ask my friends for money •

No Son don't we are already in debt. I don't want you to burden yourself more. Just reject them.

Grayson: • Let me find a way okay. You just relax •

°° Grayson °°

I asked some of my friends to hand me over some money but nobody agreed. Can you imagine?

I am such hopeless brother. They have to pay by monday i only have one day left. I can't even manage it if i ask girls for sex. Gosh! what should i do.

I need to clear my head.

I should go to Princess birthday party to think about it clearly.

I saw Jennet and all the things i saw this morning and heard today start revolving in my mind like a movie playback.

She was looking so sad and her eyes were red due to crying.

She might be showing others that she is fine but the reason she want to drink is just to calm her mind and vanish her sorrow.Which her Mom left in her heart....

Aren't we both much alike?

We hate each other

We both are sad

Our unrequited lovers are being lovey dovey in front of us.

And most of all we need someone to drink with.


Grace: You see Jem he was saying i can't handle my liquor. Hiccup . Tell me am i drunk?

Jennet: ^ No. Hiccup Not at all. We are fully sober ^

Grace: What did he think of himself? Some kind .....hiccup...of Prince to order me do or.. hicup.... not to do.

Jennet: ^ I envy you. At Least you have someone you love. But i!

I have nobody.

Even my Mom left me today.^

Grayson: • Hey stop drinking •

Jennet: ^ Who are you to stop me? ^

Grayson: • Come on people are watching you with bad intentions. Look at your dress can't you behave like a lady? •

Jennet: ^ So what? I am also planning of making love with someone tonight. I am alone and sad. Maybe someone will make me happy tonight ^

Grayson: • Argh! Can you be less shameless?and why did u wear sich deel neckline dress???.•

Jay: Dude do you know where she lives?

Grayson: • Yes i have been sending her back for a while now •

Jay: Great then do me a favor and send her home. Nobody knows her address except that man ( He pointed at Dalton ) but his girlfriend refused to let him help her. About other boys they are willing but i don't think it's safe for her. I would've send her myself but as you can see Princess. She stick to me like a glue. So i don't think i can handle two drunken women.

Grayson: • Don't worry leave her to me •

Jennet: ^ I hate you Ru. Hiccup I hate my life. I hate everyone except hiccup Princess ^

Grayson: • Shut up for a while •

Jennet: ^ No body loves me. I am so sad and lonely hiccup. ^ ( She started crying )

Grayson: • Anything but not that. You look even more uglier while crying •

Jay: I see you two share some bond so i think she will be safe with you.

Grayson: • I hope i will be safe with her because she is very annoying and looking even more right now •

Jay: It's your business now.

Grayson: • Why am i feeling that i just introduced trouble for me? Hey get up let me send u back •

Jennet: ^ shut up i am still drinking. You jay where are you taking my Partner ^

Jay: To her place of course.

Jennet: ^ Liar! You let her go or i will hit you ^

Princess: Jem! i want to stay ( both hold hands )

Grayson: • Great now we are the bad guys. •

Jay: Since we are then let's separate them.

Jennet: ^ Bastard let me go! and you Let princess go. ^

( She struggles )

Grayson: • Jennet!!! • ( He shouted )

Jennet: ^ You - You are shouting on me ? Now everybody is against me.sob everyone hates me. Sob. Do you also want me to vanish? ^

°° Grayson °°

Jay was already gone , All the people as well. i felt pain in my heart after hearing those words. I never wished to see her crying. I want to comfort her so i hugged her. Surprisingly she hugged me back and cry even harder. i can feel her tears because they already wet my shirt. I pat her back.

Grayson: • Let's go home •

Jennet: ^ I don't want to. nobody was there waiting for me ^

Grayson: • I will stay with you tonight , how's that sound like? •

Jennet: ^ Promise me ^

Grayson: • I promise •

