Tour Plan

She thought it was odd he called her that but decided not to comment on it. “Perhaps I am nosey. Right, Liam?”

Liam: “No. Sweetheart, You are not crazy but a blessing, You are the only person who makes me happy. Even when you are sleeping I feel happiness by thinking that you are beside me.”

She shrugged.

Jennet: “Ohh, Liam. Don't say that all the time, You makes me blush, although we know each other for ages yet I see something new in you every day”

Liam: “You know Sugar, they say you will find something that you are interested in and mentioned it often. That is a business tactic. Like a doctor who treats heart patients, You are just like that... my antidote, my medicine, my painkiller, and my life. I am telling you only what's inside my mind and my heart.”

Jennet: “Is your mind always on work?”

Liam: “Not always.” He grinned. “I consider other things.”

Jennet:“ Other things? Like what?”

Liam: “I'll tell you over dinner.”