6 Playing

Dev's POV......................

Anna is driving car in full speed, his knuckles turned white because of the grip on steering wheel. I didn't dared to make even a small sound also, I'm so afraid of him now. I saw many times his anger but now it is like time bomb any time ready to explode.

I'm hoping it's doesn't explode on me, I'm praying to God. That's the only thing I can do now. I'm trying to act normal but it's getting hard to do it by each passing second. He is driving harshly or I can say very harshly.

"Anna, do you have any feelings for Aarohi?" I asked him.

"No." He said in cold voice. Ahaa if you not say like this then I know very well, how to make you spill the Beans.

"Great, thank God you don't have any feelings for Aarohi. You know, me and Aarohi were in a relationship from last two years, and I'm planning to marry her after my studies." I said and car stopped hastily.

Thank God I wear seat belt, otherwise my face would have ruined till now. He opened door and went out of the car. That means he like Aarohi, it's confirmed now. I too slowly got out looking at Anna.

"Anna, what happened? Why are you behaving like this? Don't tell me you really have some feelings for Aarohi." He punched on car hood very hardly and car got damaged.

What the fuck now, how can he do it to car. I mean it is new car, it's only delivered last week, for god sake. It's freaking brand new sports car.

"It doesn't matter now, if I like her or not." I heard Anna's voice, I saw his face. His eyes are red with clenched jaw, completely looking like angry.

"What if it matters Anna, I mean I guess you like her, right." I said and leaned on car, showing my hands in my jeans pockets.

"Dev.." he shouted.

"We are not in love Anna, I love Aarohi's sister Priya. Aarohi is like a sister to me." I said and he saw my face completely shocked.

"You played with me, haa." He pointed finger towards me and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I have to bring the truth from you, so yes." I said in a matter of fact.

"And guess what? I'm good in playing Anna. Won't you agree with me." I smirked.

He chuckled at me and looked at me carrying his smirk.

"Yes, my little brother is good in playing, and now this little brother will help me in marrying Aarohi." He said, I narrowed my eyes to him.

What the hell now.

"Why would I help you?"

"Because, just now you said, you are good in playing then let's see. How much you are good in that." He crossed his hands in front of his chest.

"But Anna, she is not your type Anna, she is innocent and naive. While you are a devil. And yeah I'm not helping in all these."

"You will brother, you will my little brother."

"What make you think like that?"

"Well I heard that, two weeks back, you tried to blast in chairman's office in your college and you even succeeded in that. I ignored it till now, knowing that there must be some reason and didn't said it to nanna. What if, I said it to him now, and that to after sending baby to somewhere." He said and smirked.

How he knows that, well I did it. If nanna knows about it he will skin me alive. Dev you are gone man, this devil will surely kill you one day. But right now I have to live, for that I have to do it. I'm sorry Aarohi Akka, I'm sorry.

"Anna, her name is Aarohi, well you know that. She completed her btech and may be she will do job, I don't know much about her. Her parents are Rakesh and Rajeshwari, they are open minded and she has one brother and a sister. Sister is Priya, I love her and she to love me. And brother Jai, he is doing family business. Which is Rajeshwari group of industries and he is a nice guy. I don't know much about her, but give me some time I will grab every information about her, soon." I said in one breath, fearing about devil. Who is standing in front of me, smirking.

Who asked you to play with the devil, Dev. You are such a stupid, you dug your own grave with your hands. And now you are gone, idiot Dev.

"Good my little brother,I thought you lost your mind, but you still have it. Great, let's go to home now." He sat in car and I too sat and Anna started driving.

I sat in car thinking about what to do now, how to I help this devil with that innocent girl. Soon we reached home, I directly went to bedroom and tried to sleep but no sleep is far away from me.

Rishi's POV....................

I saw angel again, her name is Aarohi, such a sweet name, I must say. Perfect for her. When I saw her, I instantly felt relief, my anger reduced looking at her. The way Dev hiding behind her, I want to laugh but I controlled it.

But when I was about to punch Dev, she look scared, her eyes held tears. Unknowingly they melted my inner lava, I felt a tug in my heart looking at her, she is scared of me.

But I tried to touch her to comfort her but she backend from me and ran from there. I felt like someone is slicing my heart. I however covered it and dragged Dev, from there.

Anger which reduced now again took over me, I just want to punch this Dev so hard. Who is the only reason for Aarohi to look at me in that way. But I have to control, because baby never wants any of us to see harm, she can't see even we got a small scratch.

I started driving faster, I just want to take out this anger on something. My brain is playing Aarohi's hurtful, scared eyes in front of me every second. Making me gone insane again and again. I don't know where I'm going, I'm just driving with heart full of Aarohi's scared face.

She was literally shivering when she saw me about to punch Dev. Why is she so scared? She looked like, she is in lot of pain, I just want to take her all pains to me.

This Dev knows me very well, but played with me, me, Rishi Raj. Now wait Dev what I will do with you, I threatened him. He looked like a scared cat when I said blasting chairman's office. I know it very well the day itself but I didn't done anything. Well I done, I went to talk with that chairman and made him to back out from filling police case against Dev.

"Hello, angry bird." I heard laxmi voice and I tilted my head, she is sitting on sofa in my room.

"Don't tell me you named me as 'angry bird'." I asked her in irritation, she always make me irritate God. And adding to it, that name it's just aaaaaaa.

"Yep, I named you as angry bird." She sing that name, I took a deep breath to control myself.

"You were so happy, when I came here, now you are not." She pouted, I raised my eyebrow to her.

"What do you expect then, you are irritating me. And you always do that." I rolled my eyes and sat beside her.

"I'm adding colours in your life angry bird, by irritating you. Otherwise your life is just sucks, and I even don't know how you are living it." She shook her head.

"Peacefully, did you ever heard that word. Well I don't think so." I mocked her, she looked at me surprisingly and smiled.

"Did you just mocked me angry bird. Well that's a great improvement, well done my boy. You are slowly turning in to a normal person, soon you will be like us." She patted on my shoulder, and wiped her unshed tears.

"Drama queen" I muttered, and shook my head.

"So, what else, enjoyed." She asked.

"Aarohi, after a long time I met her. She is like before only innocent and nice." I smiled thinking about her.

"Hmmm, fine then I'll leave bye."

"Wait, when I'm going to meet her again?" She disappeared not answering my question.

Now let's see what brings tomorrow, how Dev going to help me. Thinking about it I slept.

Hey guys........

So, what do you think, how is Dev gonna help Rishi?

Won't you guys think that angry bird name really suit Rishi?

Let's know that in next chapter....

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