7 Order

Dev's POV.....................

Whole night I didn't slept not even for a second thinking about how I have to make Aarohi Akka to fall for this devil. And most importantly how to make this devil, to do some romantic things, which he doesn't even know excites in this whole world. But how?

Throughout the night, I think many ways but no one suited for this devils personality, and I very well know he will never do those things. So I have only one option that is officially making them introduce to eachother properly and after that, I don't know. Only God knows what happens next, let's see.

I did my breakfast hastily, throughout this process not even for once Anna looked at me. While I completed my breakfast looking at him, he acted like nothing happened last night. He must have slept well, and me didn't even slept, result is my eyes are red.

I went out thinking calling Priya and make her agree to bring Aarohi Akka to coffee shop. I dailed her number and waited for her to answer.

"Hello Dev....." She dragged my name, a smile spread on my lips only listening to her voice.

"Hey, love. How are you?" I know I met her last night only but I want to ask her every time when she is not around me.

"I'm fine Dev, what about you?" She chuckled a little, it gave me peace which I lost from last night. God I love her so much, only her voice can take my stress from me.

"I'm fine love." I leaned on my car seat relaxing a bit.

"Love, Let's meet in cafe, and bring Aarohi Akka with you."

"Fine, at what time."

"I'll be busy in some work, how about 4 in the evening?"

"Okay, no probs."

"Okay then bye, love."

"Bye Dev."

I hung up the call and saw my phone's screen, which has photo of mine and Priya's. I kissed on pic and started driving for company. I rarely visit it, whenever I got time I go there and do some work. Hoping that will help me in future.

It's already 3 so I decided to go to café, I started and within half n hour I reached there. I went in and sat on chair, thinking about whether Aarohi Akka is coming are not. I don't inform to Anna still now, because I want to confirm before informing him.

I dailed to priya, on 3 ring she lifted.

"Hey love, are you coming?"

"Yes Dev I'm on my way."

"Did Akka coming with you?"

"Yes, she is. But why are you asking?"

"Nothing, you will know when you reach here. Okay then bye."

"Bye." I hung up the call and dailed to devil.

"Hello, Anna. Where are you?"

"Of course in my office, Dev." Yeah, why I even asked him this, he will always stay in that damn office or home.

"Now will you say something, or should I hung up the call." I heard irritation in his voice, how can a person be always like this.

"No, Anna don't hung up. Actually Anna come to café in half n hour."

"And what make you think that I will come. I'm busy Dev, I have a meeting in 15 minutes."

"Aarohi is coming Anna." I heard his sigh, now you will come, for sure.

"Fine, I'll be there." He directly hung my phone.

How Aarohi Akka going to live with him, he is so annoying. I'm feeling really very sorry for Akka, but I can't do anything.

Soon I saw Priya and Aarohi Akka, entering café. I stood up and hugged Priya and side hugged Aarohi.

They sat opposite me, and I'm waiting for Anna, he didn't come still now.

After 5 minutes Anna came and sat beside me.

"Priya, Akka, he is my brother Rishi." I introduced him.

"Anna, Priya and Aarohi." He nodded his head, while Priya smiled brightly but Akka she hung her head low. Playing with her chunni looking nervous, I saw Anna he is looking at Aarohi Akka intently.

Now I have to implement my plan, by praising Anna.

"Priya, you know. Anna is very good in studies and business. He even won last year best CEO award. He loves us very much, he is a very nice guy."

"But last night you said, he is going to kill you." It was Aarohi Akka, I looked at Anna he is now glaring at me. I smiled awkwardly to Akka.

"I lied Akka, he will never do that. How can he kill his own brother, right Anna." I turned to Anna, his one eyebrow went up with a smirk plastered to his lips. Why I have a brother like him, can't he lie with me.

"But why you lied?" It was again Akka, I took a deep breath. Now what I have to say, I don't get anything now.

"Actually we pranked, like he is going to kill me." I said.

"Whom you pranked?" Again Akka, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Now kill me, she is going to kill me with her questions. I started laughing and thinking a suitable answer, I looked at Anna. He didn't said anything.

"We pranked you all, he wants to know, how his friends going to react, when he is in danger." Anna answered, that's the reason he became best CEO. He made a lie with in seconds, while I'm here laughing don't know what to answer.

"But......" Akka again started but I stopped her.

"Akka please, stop this 'Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu'( Kaun Banega Crorepati ) questions."I pleaded making best puppy eyes, she nodded her head.

"Fine" she whispered, I sighed heavily, relaxing a bit from this questions.

Waiter came and took our orders, and soon our orders are served. We didn't talk even a bit, scared of the devil. Who is sat beside me, but he is silent as always.

I took my phone and messaged devil.

' Anna talk something.' I sent it.

' what?'. Came reply.

' Anything, like ask her something' I sent it again. He looked at me and I signalled him to talk something and make some conversation, he nodded his head.

"Aarohi, let's get married." He said and everything went silent. I'm completely shocked now, Thank God I didn't took a sip of my cappuccino, I would have choked hard.

I looked at him in disbelief, did he just said to get married, how? Why? How can he say that, he just met her and directly asked her to marry him.

Wait, he didn't asked her.

He said no.

He proposed her, no that's completely out of the court.

He ordered. Right he ordered her to marry him. Even before we digest this he opened his mouth again.

"This weekend my parents will come to your home, get ready for that." He said.

Now it's completely unbelievable, if I say I was shocked that should be understatement. I looked at Aarohi Akka, she is looking shocked ofcourse, who will not.

She stood up and ran from there, without even looking back at once. I looked at Anna but he is just sipping his black coffee. How can he? What's wrong with him? He even added Amma and nanna in his mess. How can she marry him now, not only her no one, literally no one can marry him. He just scared her, poor Akka she scared of him yesterday and today also.

"Wow, Bava( brother in law). Did you just asked my Akka to marry you?" I heard Priya voice, asked? Where did it come from. He didn't asked her, he ordered her, stupid. I looked at her, but she is smiling ear to ear. Now what's wrong with her.

"You know my Akka is boring Bava. I will help you, Don't worry, now I have to go, bye." Why she wants to help this devil.

She stood up and went out waving her hand to us. But I sat there still in shock not recovering from it.

Why she wants to help this devil, and end that poor soul with this devil. I know priya is crazy but I never thought she is this much crazy. I looked at Anna.

"What you have done Anna?" I asked him in a high pitch.

"Dev, if you think me coming here and drinking coffee with you, doesn't mean that I have gave you permission to raise your voice in front of me. Don't forget who I'm, and what can I do with you." He said not looking at me, but his tone said don't mess with me.

"But Anna, you ruined everything. Now no one can do anything, how can you say that to Akka." I said.

"Nothing is ruined Dev, she will become my wife and that to quickly. Don't worry about it and yeah don't call her Akka, she is soon going to be your vadhina. So call her vadhina." He said like it will happen for sure.

"Now I have meeting, so I'm going and yeah don't discuss it with anyone not even with baby. I will myself tell everyone about it, when right time comes." He said and walked out from there.

I sat there thinking about my plan which I thought whole night without even sleeping. It's all wasted, I thought to introduce them and slowly make comfortable with eachother, but no. My Anna wants something new, for god sake who will order a girl to marry and that to in there first meeting.

I paid bill and went home, I'm sleepy now. I went to home and slept.

Hello guys.............

So, how is the chapter?

And how many of you agree with me that rishi is an idiot?

Guys are you not liking the story, if so please tell me. because I'm getting very less comments and I'm losing hope to continue this book...

please tell me if I'm lacking some where, or if you think this book is not worth it. in that way I will stop writing it......